Monday, July 26, 2010

Conservative Response to G20 Inquiry

I copied Stephen Harper and the federal Conservative Party on my open letter to Michael Ignatieff. Here is their first response:

Dear Mr. Coles,
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Conservative Party of Canada and for sharing your thoughts with us regarding the G8/G20 security costs. Please be assured that your comments and suggestions have been carefully reviewed.

Since the tragic events of 9/11, increased security has, unfortunately, become a fact of life. Security is costly, but it was imperative to the safety and well-being of the G8/G20 participants and all Canadians, that this money be spent. Some 30 world leaders were in attendance, along with thousands of delegates and media. All of these people needed to be housed, fed, transported, and protected. These individuals faced the entire range of security threats that accompany such meetings, which is why we needed to go to such lengths to ensure their safety.

The infrastructure that was put in place will remain long after the G8/G20 summits, benefitting residents of Toronto and Muskoka. The new infrastructure ranges from new equipment and road improvements, to buildings and improved communications networks. Please rest assured that our Conservative Government has planned accordingly for all costs and are within budget.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Yours truly,Matthew

Fundraising & Membership Services Department
Section des Activités de financement et des Services aux membres
Conservative Party of Canada
Parti conservateur du Canada
Tel./Tél. 1-866-808-8407 Fax/Télec. 613-755-2001

My response:
Thank you Matthew for taking the time to respond. However, there are still many unanswered questions.

Yes, I understand the need for security so why was downtown Toronto chosen as the site for these meetings when it was probably the most difficult place to secure in Canada? Why were the budget and costs for these meetings so extravagant given that the last G20 held in Pittsburgh had a budget of only $18 million, less than 1% of Toronto/Huntsville costs? As for infrastructure, according to CBC more than 85% of costs ($933 million) were for security; while $160 million went to 'hospitality, infrastructure, food safety and extra staffing'. What infrastructure benefits did Toronto realize besides security cameras and riot gear for the police?

Finally, nothing in your response addresses why 19,000 police were ordered to stand down while 100 hooligans broke windows, nor why subsequently hundreds of innocent citizens were brutally assaulted, arrested and detained without charges being laid.

Please pass these concerns to the Prime Minister's office; Stephen Harper has been silent for too long and Canadians want answers.

Sincerely, Glenn Coles.

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