Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Direct Energy = Vicious Bully

Corporations tend to put a lot of money into goodwill, advertising their services and creating a positive image in the eyes of the public. All this goes for naught when the same company's policies are written to screw their customers.

In 1998, while living in a house in Richmond Hill, I signed an agreement with Direct Energy to supply my natural gas. Every few years they would contact me for renewal of this agreement; I was always offered to opt out for double or triple gas price. Of course I renewed; it didn't really matter to me who supplied gas to my house. Finally, last September I sold my house and moved into an apartment in downtown Toronto.

This week I was served with a collection notice for $727.63. When I contacted the collection agency I was told that they represented Direct Energy and were charging me a fee for breaking my gas contract. Apparently there are 4.5 years left on my current 'renewal'; the fact that I have been a customer for 12 years is irrelevant.

The situation was resolved when I faxed in a copy of my current lease proving that I was no longer paying for gas services. Of course, the fax was at my cost (direct energy, you owe me $6.30). If I did not send in this fax, the bullying would continue; I was warned by the collection agency that they would keep calling until this was resolved.

So the bottom line, Direct Energy uses contract lawyers and collection agencies to setup their customers for intimidation and bullying. So much for goodwill.

1 comment:

  1. Self Reliance. Become Self Reliant. Self Reliant Living isolates you from the consequences of the Holy Trio, as you call them. Self Reliant Living isolates you from economic downturns, escalatign food prices, escalating energy prices, energy shortages, job loss and inflation. Stop serving the Trio. Starve the Beast.
