Monday, April 4, 2011

Green Revolution

We have four weeks to shift the conscience of Canada.
Four weeks for the majority of people in this country to wake up and recognize the current path of our nation. From security perimeters to fighter jets, Canada is a country at war. The actions of police during G20 in Toronto have revealed how the government intends to keep the masses under control. The economy has millions of people living restricted lifestyles as prices keep rising; few can say that they are better off than they were ten years ago.

We can change the path of Canada.

Who are we? We are people of conscience; we are those who recognize the long term costs of short term comforts; we are those who recognize the need for change. We are those who have hope for Canada and the world.

What if everybody who wants Real Change votes for the Green Party of Canada? A new wave of social existence is rippling through the world; perhaps we can use this energy to do something that has never been done before. Canada can set an example of true democracy and address some serious issues. In four short weeks we will have the opportunity to completely change the direction of our country and the world.

What if we develop a country that sets a shining example? We already live in a country where all cultures blend peacefully; we can enhance this co-existence by creating a country where everyone has equal opportunity to succeed. We can convert our lifestyles to sustainable harmonic living that supports both our planet and ourselves. We can create a society that exists for the benefit of the many. We can again become a nation of peacekeepers. The door is open.

The Canadian federal election will be held on May 2, 2011. Is it time for a green revolution?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Night After Christmas

'Twas the night after Christmas and here in my house
I sit writing poems using keyboard and mouse
There are so many things that I'm wanting to say
As the final few days of the year pass away

It's been quite a year for the home we call Earth
Perhaps it is time for our planet's rebirth
The changes we see may be giving a clue
Tsunamis and earthquakes and hurricanes too

There's fighting and starving and dying galore
As millions of people reach out and say 'more'
It seems like the suffering will not be done
And everywhere, everywhere, people shoot guns

The eight richest countries are making the arms
And selling them outright for trinkets and charms
The change is quite simple, and we have begun
More schooling and health care instead of more guns

The world is our matrix and we all create
The feelings of love and the feelings of hate
And though all the logic may seem quite complex
The thoughts in our mind are what lead us to next

We must remove hatred and anger and fear
For they are the feelings that cause us to veer
And our only task is to carry the light
To keep moving forward and do what is right

It all seems so simple right here in my chair
We feel the same feelings and breathe the same air
If we are all one there is no need to fight
I wonder when everyone will see the light

I know I'm not different in wanting a change
And wishing for world peace is not really strange
To make all these changes we must take a chance
And caring for others is how we advance

The masses on Earth are beginning to see
That I am like you and you are like me
We each have our feelings, beliefs and tradition
And being unique is our blessing and mission

Our year-ending bash is about to arrive
The world is in trouble and we're still alive
The New Year is here and we each play a part
For light work is changing the world with your heart

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cop Breaks Law

Here is proof that some police were anonymous thugs with legal authority. In this picture, a police officer kicks someone in the back while clearing out Queen's Park. Even though the area had been officially declared the 'Free Speech Zone' and protesters were acting peacefully, someone gave the order to clear the area with force.

Look at the right chest of each police officer. The two cops holding bicycles are clearly wearing identification badges, as required by law. The cop doing the kicking has removed his identification. This solitary act is clearly against the law; when a cop had no ID he is officially not a cop. As this picture shows, there is no clearer evidence that the police were the real criminals during the G20 weekend in Toronto. If the government fails to follow up on these actions they are accomplices in criminal activity and must be removed.


The photo originally posted with this article belongs to the Toronto Star; I have removed it at their request. Instead, I have added a screen capture from video of the same incident. The green arrow points at a cop kicking people, the Toronto Star has a very clear picture showing the velcro strip on his shirt where the name tag has been removed. You can read the Toronto Star article here.

The cop pointed at by the yellow arrow also has no ID; as the video progresses this cop proceeds to beat seated people with a baton and then pepper spray them in the eyes.

The removal of identification by police during a volatile situation is a critical breech of trust and must be dealt with. It has been over a month since the Star article was published; we cannot just let this fade away. These activities MUST NOT become the precedent for acceptable police behavior; only persistent demand by the public will prevent these actions from being washed over.

Friday, July 30, 2010

It’s Up to Them

I was speaking with friend about his job, and some of the difficulties he was facing. As he described the situation and conflicts, I recognized some steps that could help. I suggested some changes that my friend could make and he responded immediately ‘But they are the ones who need to change!’ Immediately, I saw the truth and broke out into a grin.

‘Isn’t that statement the source of most human issues?’

The division between ‘us and them’ often leads to conflict, or disagreement, or hostility, or blame shifting. When we perceive someone as different, we may assign judgment to those differences. Our judgments often delegate differences as threatening or non-threatening. When we perceive someone as different, we may see their beliefs as ridiculous and write them off.

When we perceive someone as an opponent, we give them energy and power. The more that we strengthen barriers because of differences, the more difficult the opposition becomes.

Imagine two extreme contrasts. In one world, every individual is completely alone, disconnected from everyone, and fully responsible for his own peace of mind. In the other world, each person shares in a common energy, connected to all, and yet is still an individual. In the world where we are alone, every person is a separate entity. Each person has different effects on us, beginning at neutral and moving towards either extreme.

We like or dislike others based on our feelings and beliefs and how they compliment our own ego. The existence of ego is necessary to our survival as individuals. Without ego, we do not recognize ourselves as special or different. When we begin to feel challenged or threatened or upset, it is usually ego that is speaking. Our need to be recognized as important often leads us to speak up even when listening would be a wiser choice.

To overcome issues of conflict, begin to look at the other person in a neutral manner, then attempt to perceive elements that are common between you. Notice similarities rather than differences. Notice elements of power, skill or knowledge that add to your own being, and enhance the energy of the world. See how the other is both a reflection of you and a beautiful addition to the harmony of the planet.

It may not be easy to learn new perceptions. When we are particularly challenged by the efforts or character of another, it can be difficult to accept them. Anger often builds and others may act as catalysts driving you towards action or change. However, it is important to remember that the easiest way to overcome ‘us and them’ is to form a common ‘us’. When we expand our group and perceive commonalities, conflicts can be reduced.

Copyright 2009 Reprinted from 'Soulwork 101: A New Age Guide to Personal Transformation' by Glenn Stewart Coles

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Toronto Police Lie Again

When I included a picture of this incident in my column The People’s G20 Most Wanted List, I said that the officer was shooting tear gas into the crowd. A reader quickly corrected my error, identifying that the officer was actually shooting rubber bullets. Subsequent information reveals that the target of these bullets was Natalie Gray, a young woman with blue hair protesting outside the detention centre now called ‘Torontonomo Bay’. She declares that she was shot twice with rubber bullets and has the wounds to prove it. Before she was shot, she says that she heard someone command the officer with the gun to aim at ‘the girl with the blue hair’.

When questioned about this incident, Toronto Police spokesman Mark Pugash claims that rubber bullets were only used at Queen’s Park during the clearing of protesters from the ‘Free Speech Zone’. Earlier police had denied using rubber bullets at all until video surfaced of a man clearly being hit by a rubber bullet; here is that video. Note that the man hit by the bullet is walking away, not threatening police.

Other videos on YouTube claim to document the shooting of rubber bullets on King Street. Today in the Toronto Sun is a picture of a rubber bullet picked up on King Street west of Bay Street, nowhere near Queen’s Park. First the police lied about weapons seized prior to and during the G20 weekend, now they are lying about the weapons used by police. Good thing there are hundreds of witnesses, pictures and videos that reveal what really went on.

We really need good cops now; when will some police with morals step forward? Do we need to force a public inquiry or will the policemen and policewomen with honor (and there are many) begin to talk?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Conservative Response to G20 Inquiry

I copied Stephen Harper and the federal Conservative Party on my open letter to Michael Ignatieff. Here is their first response:

Dear Mr. Coles,
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Conservative Party of Canada and for sharing your thoughts with us regarding the G8/G20 security costs. Please be assured that your comments and suggestions have been carefully reviewed.

Since the tragic events of 9/11, increased security has, unfortunately, become a fact of life. Security is costly, but it was imperative to the safety and well-being of the G8/G20 participants and all Canadians, that this money be spent. Some 30 world leaders were in attendance, along with thousands of delegates and media. All of these people needed to be housed, fed, transported, and protected. These individuals faced the entire range of security threats that accompany such meetings, which is why we needed to go to such lengths to ensure their safety.

The infrastructure that was put in place will remain long after the G8/G20 summits, benefitting residents of Toronto and Muskoka. The new infrastructure ranges from new equipment and road improvements, to buildings and improved communications networks. Please rest assured that our Conservative Government has planned accordingly for all costs and are within budget.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.
Yours truly,Matthew

Fundraising & Membership Services Department
Section des Activités de financement et des Services aux membres
Conservative Party of Canada
Parti conservateur du Canada
Tel./Tél. 1-866-808-8407 Fax/Télec. 613-755-2001

My response:
Thank you Matthew for taking the time to respond. However, there are still many unanswered questions.

Yes, I understand the need for security so why was downtown Toronto chosen as the site for these meetings when it was probably the most difficult place to secure in Canada? Why were the budget and costs for these meetings so extravagant given that the last G20 held in Pittsburgh had a budget of only $18 million, less than 1% of Toronto/Huntsville costs? As for infrastructure, according to CBC more than 85% of costs ($933 million) were for security; while $160 million went to 'hospitality, infrastructure, food safety and extra staffing'. What infrastructure benefits did Toronto realize besides security cameras and riot gear for the police?

Finally, nothing in your response addresses why 19,000 police were ordered to stand down while 100 hooligans broke windows, nor why subsequently hundreds of innocent citizens were brutally assaulted, arrested and detained without charges being laid.

Please pass these concerns to the Prime Minister's office; Stephen Harper has been silent for too long and Canadians want answers.

Sincerely, Glenn Coles.

Police Ensure Safety of Black Bloc

Watch this video from 6:30 to 8:10, here is proof that police were instructed to let the Black Bloc continue with their task of breaking windows. A citizen tries to stop a hooligan; then a police officer and undercover agent intervene to help the hooligan get away.

If you also look at these other videos a picture starts to form:
Here a looter is tackled by a citizen, then an undercover intervenes to help the looter get away:

Meanwhile, just around the corner from these incidents, dozens of uniformed police stand down and allow the carnage to occur:

So what do you think; were police trying to stop to Black Bloc or was the 'destruction on the streets' staged for our enjoyment?